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    What is the color of justice? The death of George Floyd


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2020-03-30

    What is the color of justice? The death of George Floyd Empty What is the color of justice? The death of George Floyd

    Post by bcoley Fri May 29, 2020 1:42 pm

    I hope none of us was unaffected by the videos published widely this week of the interaction between four Minneapolis police officers and a man named George Floyd. Whatever your views about law enforcement, its personnel, or what it means to "resist" arrest, I hope you felt wounded by the sight of an officer's knee applied forcefully to Mr. Floyd's neck for a lengthy period of time during which Floyd and several by-standers repeatedly pleaded with the officer to reduce the force of his action so as to improve Mr. Floyd's ability to breathe. Whatever your politics, whatever your previous takes on our society's unresolved issues of race and justice, I pray the sight of Mr. Floyd, secured in handcuffs, struggling for air as the officer above him refused to change the pressure he applied, left you heartbroken and asking why we can't do better.

    Every time I see videos such as the ones now under national review, I ask, where are the videos that show white men or women treated the same way? 

    • Remember Amadou Diallo, the 23 year-old (legal) immigrant from the African nation of Guinea who in 1999 was shot 19 times (out of 41 total shots fired) by four New York City police officers? Where are the videos of white people shot dozens of times?
    • Remember Eric Garner, the 43 year-old African American man who died in 2014 after prolonged exposure to a choke hold employed by a police officer? Where are the videos of white people in choke holds at the hands of law enforcement?
    • Why is it that seemingly EVERY time a tragedy such as George Floyd's death occurs, the victim is an African American or a member of some other minority community? Is there a color to justice in America?

    I don't know how the answer to that last question isn't yes. The evidence is obvious and in plain sight that justice - defined as just and proper outcomes for people in situations of conflict or disagreement with others and/or societal expectations and legal requirements - is more likely for people who look like me (white) than for people who look like George Floyd, Amadou Diallo, or Eric Garner. We're a bit more than a month from the 244th birthday of our nation. Many Americans claim proudly that theirs is a "Christian nation." But STILL we don't let "let justice roll down like waters" or "righteousness like an ever-flowing stream" (Amos 5.24, NRSV).

    Three questions for your consideration and response, and our discussion:

    1. Do you think justice has a color in America, or is it, as often claimed, color-blind?

    2. Why does our nation have such a broken, at times destructive, history when it comes to matters of race, even today, in the middle of our third century of existence?

    3. What are some things you think we can do to make things better, both as individuals and as a society (governments, laws, courts, etc)?

    I hope you'll decide to post your thoughts on these matters and any others of your choice. You may do so by clicking in several ways, summarized in VIDEOS YOU CAN VIEW BY CLICKING HERE. The simplest way to start your reply is to click the "ADD REPLY" button below and at the right end of this post. When you're finished composing your post, scroll down to find the "Preview" and "Send" buttons in the center of the page. Use the "Preview" button to see what your post will look like to other forum readers. Make any changes you want to make in the edit window located below the preview of your post. When you're satisfied, scroll down and click the "Send" button to post your response for others to view. Then be sure to check back to view others' posts. 

    Bill Coley, pastor
    First Christian Church of East Moline

    p.s. FYI, I VERY MUCH want this to be a civil, respectful exchange of views among people who care about our country and understand justice as God's demand, not recommendation.
    David Anderson

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2020-05-17
    Age : 63
    Location : Milan

    What is the color of justice? The death of George Floyd Empty Re: What is the color of justice? The death of George Floyd

    Post by David Anderson Sun May 31, 2020 8:42 am

    Though what happened to this man was a tragedy, and a blemish on the face of society. I have a few questions of my own. Why is it that only black Americans seem to find their way to the news? I know they must be some cases of abuse in Whites, and Asian, and Mexicans. I know there are a few bad apples in every bunch. but if you start attacking the police in general, who will take their place when no one will want the job. I think all the officers involved should go to prison the rest of their lives for the miss use of their powers. But you have to wonder what happened before the camera started rolling? Every since Obama took office our nation has under gone a change for the worse. Yes we had race relation problems before him but they were being dealt with. We were looking at bi racial relationships in a different light. We were some what getting along way better than we are today. Do you feel that politics is playing a bigger role by the democrats these days than days before? And I also wonder, what does looting have to do with what happened to this poor man? I will leave it here give some one else a chance to give their thoughts.

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